Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Proxy Post (64/96)

"hellonoblogger" the Feared One said.

"Yo how's my main man doing," I said.

"prettygoodyouknowhowitis.anywayyouareprobablywonderingwhyIcalledyouhere," he said.

"You want me to kill alliterator," I said. "I know this because there were rumours. But killing alliterator is impossible," I then said.

"iwantyoutokillalliterator," he said.

"But killing alliterator is impossible," I then said.

"trueunlessyouhavetheonlyweaponcapableofkillinghim," he growled.

"And what's that?" I sasked.

"themightypen," he said. "inordertoacquirethisunholysacrilegedeviceyouwillhavetotraveltotheveryoutskirtsofthecityandstealitfromthepentagon."

"You want me... to.... steal from the Pentagon?" I said, bewildered.

"itwon'tbeeasy,youknowthistobetrue.butthatiswhyientrustthistasktoyou,foryouaremyrighthandman." he said.

I laughed and said "You know it. Bros before hoes, am I right?"

He laughed this time and said "youaremyfavouriteproxyBilly."

I recoiled in angst from this name which was a dagger to my heart. "You hurt me. I don't go by that name anymore," I whispered.

"i'msorrybutifyouwanttotrulybenobloggeryouwillhavetodothis." He said.

"I'll manage. When do you want it done by?" I said.

"iwantitdonebyyesterdayyouknowthat.butyouarenotgoodenoughtohavedoneitbyyesterdayorelseyouwouldhavedoneitbynow." He said.

"Relax. I will do it, and it'll be done as soon as I can." I said. Then I turned and walked out.

"beforeyougothereisonemorething," he said.

"Make it quick," I said. I was planning on crashing with some proxy friends for the night.

"youmayhavetokillalltheSlendermenonyourjourney.alsodoesthenameMaskymeananythingtoyou?" he said.

".........." I said, not turning around.

"ithoughtnot.goodluck." he said. Then I walked out, trying to wrap my head around all of this.

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